o tibi z tibią w tibi

zajmujemy siępomaganiem w tibi

#1 2009-11-07 11:41:59



Zarejestrowany: 2009-11-06
Posty: 13
Punktów :   

poradnik jak zrobić ots by sliwus 7.92

teraz 2 uwagi
po pierwsze poradnik 100% mój

po drugie silnik nie muj


najpierw trzeba ściągnąć silnik bo bez tego ani rusz

poradnik 7.92

oto silnik pod tibie 7.92

link: http://otsoft.pl/?frontpage=download&p=37

zaczynamy wchodzimy w folder z naszym ots
i widzimy takie 2 foldery i notatnik wchodzimy w XML Version 1.1

i wchodzimy w config.lua

konfigurujemy :

-------- config.lua --------
-- Config file for OTServ --

-- server ip (the ip that server listens on)
ip = "nasze ip" masz zmienne polecam www.dyn.pl jakto zrobić w poradniku dyn

-- server port (the port that server listens on)
port = "7171" -----------> nasz port zalecany taki jaki jest wszystkie ots mają taki

-- Mostrar os GMS Online no comando !online? (Default: no)
show_gms_online = "no"---------------->czy używać komendy !omline

-- Regeneraçăo de Life e Mana quando o char está durmindo (Default: 5)
bed_regen = 5 ------------->ile ma regerenować many jak jesteśmy w łużku w domku

-- Hotkey System? (yes/no)
hotkey_system = "yes" --------------->czy mają być hotkeje

-- Server Save (em minutos)
serversave = 30 --------------->co ile ma być auto save

------------- Runas e Cargas Configs ---------------

-- * Em price, coloque o preço.
-- * Em charges, coloque o numero de cargas.

-- Heavy Magic Missile (HMM)
price_hmm = 50---------->zostaw
charges_hmm = 5->też zostaw

-- Ultimate Healing Rune (UH)
price_uh = 150 -----------------> nie jestem pewny ale chyba ile na uleczać uh
charges_uh = 1

-- Great Fireball (GFB)
price_gfb = 100 -------------->zostaw
charges_gfb = 2------------->też zostaw

-- Explosion Rune (EXPLOSION)
price_explo = 150 ----------chyba ile ma brać hp explosion Rune
charges_explo = 3

-- Sudden Death Rune (SD)
price_sd = 250 -------------->ile ma brać hp sd
charges_sd = 1

-------------- Surprise Bags Configs -----------------

-- Dropar Surprise Bags nos Monstros? (yes/no)
surprise_bags = "yes" ----------------->nie wiem

-- Porcentagem de dropar a Blue Bag
blue_bag_percent = 10 ------------>chyba ile ma mieścić ale lepiej nie zmieniać

-- Porcentagem de dropar a Red Bag
red_bag_percent = 10

-- Id da Blue Bag
blue_bag_id = 6570 ------>zostaw

-- Id da Red Bag
red_bag_id = 6571 --->zostaw

---------------- Rookgaard Configs --------------------

-- TownID de Rookgaard
rook_townid = 9  ----->zostaw

-- Players podem ser Rookados? (yes/no)
player_can_be_rooked = "yes" ---------->czy ma być rok

-- Level para ser Rookado
level_to_be_rooked = 3 ----------->chyba kiedy można opuścić roka

--------- Premium/Promotion Configs ------------

-- TownID da cidade Free (quando a premium acabar o player será teleportado para este templo)
free_townid = 1         >zostaw

-- Preço de um Dia de Premium Account
premium_price = 4000------->zostaw

-- Preço da Promotion
promotion_price = 20000 ------------->zostaw

-- Mensagem que será mandada quando a premium acabar
prem_msg = "Your premium account has expired."

-- Mensagem que será mandada quando o player for Free e tentar usar uma Magia de Premium
premium_spells_msg = "You need a premium account to cast this spell."

-- Mensagem que será mandada quando o player năo for Promoted e tentar usar uma Magia de Promoted
promotion_spells_msg = "You need a promotion to cast this spell."

---------- Randomize Ground Configs ------------

-- Randomize Ground? (yes/no)
randomize_ground = "yes" ------------->zostaw

-- Water Percent
water_percent = 70 ------------> ile woda bieże

-- Lava Percent
lava_percent = 10------------>dałbym 50 ale 10 to tak jak w rl ogień bieże

-- Swamp Percent
swamp_percent = 50 --------->tu nie wiem co to zostaw

-- Tar Percent
tar_percent = 10 ----------->zostaw

-- Mountain Percent
mountain_percent = 50 ------------------>zostaw

-- Rocks Percent
rocks_percent = 60 ------------->zostaw

-- Grass Percent
grass_percent = 80 ----------->zostaw

-- Underwater Ground Percent
underwater_percent = 70 -----> zostaw

------------------- Stamina Configs ---------------------

-- Quantos segundos de Stamina perder a cada monstro
stamina_lost_monster = 10 ---------> zostawił bym

-- Quantos segundos de Stamina adicionar a cada Segundo que o player estiver offline?
stamina_amount = 2---------------->zostaw

---------------- Fight Modes Configs ------------------

-- Full Attack {atk, def}
full_attack = {"100","50"} ----------> jak dasz na ful attack ile ma być a ile się chrobić

-- Balanced {atk, def}
balanced = {"75","75"}--------------->na balancet też ile ma się chrobić a ile ma bić

-- Full Defense {atk, def}
full_defense = {"50","100"} ---------> i tarcza ile ma się brobić dałbym 150 defa

---------------------- Loss Configs ------------------------

-- Exp Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
exp_loss = {"10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5"} ----------------------------------------->zostaw

-- Promoted Exp Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
promoted_exp_loss = {"7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"} ---------------->zostaw

-- Magic Level Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
magiclevel_loss = {"10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5"}---------------->zostaw

-- Promoted Magic Level Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
promoted_magiclevel_loss = {"7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"}---------------->zostaw

-- Skills Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
skills_loss = {"10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5"}---------------->zostaw

-- Promoted Skills Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
promoted_skills_loss = {"7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"}---------------->zostaw

-- Items Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
items_loss = {"40", "39", "38", "37", "36", "35"}---------------->zostaw

-- Promoted Items Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
promoted_items_loss = {"37", "36", "35", "34", "33", "32"}---------------->zostaw

-- Backpack Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
backpack_loss = {"100", "100", "100", "100", "100", "100"}---------------->zostaw

-- Promoted Backpack Loss (sem bless, bless1, bless2, bless3, bless4, bless5)
promoted_backpack_loss = {"100", "100", "100", "100", "100", "100"}---------------->zostaw


-- Trade Ticks (em segundos)
trade_ticks = 120---------------->zostaw nie wiem

-- Mensagem que irá aparecer quando o player tentar mandar mensagem no Trade e tiver com tradeTicks
trade_delay_msg = "You may only place one offer in two minutes."

-- Level que năo pode conversar nos Channels
speak_lvl = 1---------------->zostaw

-- Mensagem que será enviada quando um player tiver o level que năo é permitido para conversar nos channels
speak_msg = "You may not speak into channels as long as you are on level 1."

-- ID da Bag/Backpack que será adicionada quando o player morrer
bag_id = 1987---------------->zostaw

-- Rate de Exp para PVP-Enforced (quando matar outro player)
rate_enforced_exp = 3

-- Aparecer a Mensagem quando um player da mesma Account tenta entrar no MC em um char da mesma account? (yes/no)
show_account_already_logged_msg = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Mensagem que irá aparecer quando player da mesma Account tentar entrar no MC em um char da mesma account
account_already_logged_msg = "You may not login in a character of the same account at the same time."

------------------ Exp Color Configs --------------------

-- Ficar trocando de cor a Exp randomicamente? (yes/no) (Se for Yes, a Exp vai sair cada hora de uma cor)
exp_color_random = "no"---------------->zostaw

-- Cor da Exp (apenas se exp_color_random for "no")
exp_color = 0 ---------------->jakiego koloru ma być exsp nie znasz ale możesz dać np 50 i jakiś kolor będzie

--------------- Square Color Configs -----------------

-- Ficar trocando de cor o Black Square randomicamente? (yes/no) (Se for Yes, o Black Square vai sair cada hora de uma cor)
square_color_random = "no"---------------->zostaw

-- Cor do Black Square (apenas se square_color_random for "no")
exp_color = 215---------------->zostaw

--------------------- Outfit Configs -----------------------

-- GMs podem trocar de outfit? (yes/no)
gms_change_outfit = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Tutors podem trocar de outfit? (yes/no)
tutors_change_outfit = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Players Normais podem trocar de outfit? (yes/no)
players_change_outfit = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Mensagem que será mandada quando um player năo puder trocar de outfit
change_outfit_msg = "Sorry, you cannot change your outfit."

---------------------- AFK Configs ------------------------

-- Tempo em que o player será kickado se ficar AFK (15*60*1000 = 15 minutos)
afk_time = 15*60*1000---------------->zostaw

-- Tempo em que será mandada a mensagem para o player que ele está AFK (1*60*1000 = 1 minuto antes de ser kickado)
afk_time_msg = 1*60*1000---------------->zostaw

-- Mensagem que irá aparecer quando ele estiver AFK por um tempo
afk_msg = "You have been idle for 15 minutes. You will be disconnected in one minute if you are still idle then."

-- Turn elemina o AFK Time? (por exemplo.. Ctrl Up, Ctrl Down, Ctrl Left, Ctrl Right) (yes/no)
afk_turn_work = "no"---------------->zostaw

-- AFK para Gms? (yes/no)
afk_for_gms = "no"---------------->zostaw


-- Speed Formula (Default: 220)
speed_form = 220---------------->jak gracz szybko ma chodzić

-- Velocidade de GMs (Default: 1000)
gm_speed = 1000---------------->jak szybko gm ma chodzić

-- Atirar diretamente runas nos players pelo Battle? (yes/no)
directly_shoot_battle = "no"---------------->zostaw

-- Cap System (yes/no)
cap_system = "yes"---------------->czy ma być cap czy nie

-- Mostrar o peso do item quando der look nele? (yes/no)
show_item_weight = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Players podem atacar Sumons? (yes/no)
can_attack_summons = "no" ---------------->zostaw nie wiem oco chodzi

--------------- Regras do OT Configs -----------------

-- OBS: As regras vocę edita no arquivo: data/rules.xml

-- Mostrar Janela com as Regras no primeiro Login do player? (yes/no)
show_rules_first_login = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Qual o ID do Item que aparecerá na Janela das Regras
rules_box_itemid = 1990---------------->zostaw

--------------- Tutor System Configs -----------------

-- Mostrar nome do Access de um player quando der look nele? (yes/no)
show_access_name = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Access para mover items de longe
access_to_move_items = 4---------------->zostaw

------------ Account Manager Configs -------------

-- Acc Manager? (yes/no)
acc_manager = "yes"--------------->ma być acc manger

-- Manager Account Number
manager_accnumber = 111111---------------->zmień na 1

-- Manager Password
manager_password = "111111"---------------->zmień na 1

-- Account Number que o player vai receber uma Mensagem para que ele entre na Account/Senha digitada acima
manager_receive_msg_account = 1

-- Nome do Acc Manager
manager_name = "Acc Manager"---------------->jak acc ma się na zywać

-- Criar chars em rook? (no-vocation)
manager_rook = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Health do char que será criado
manager_health = 150---------------->ile hp ma miec

-- Mana do char que será criado
manager_mana = 0---------------->zostaw

-- Exp do char que será criado
manager_exp = 0---------------->ile exspa

-- Level do char que será criado
manager_level = 1---------------->jaki lvl ma mieć

-- Capacity do char que será criado
manager_capacity = 400---------------->ile ma miec capa

-- Magic Level do char que será criado
manager_maglevel = 0---------------->jaki acc ma mieć mlvl

-- TownID do char que será criado
manager_townid = 9---------------->zostaw

-- Outfit do char que será criado
manager_looktype = 128---------------->zostaw
manager_lookhead = 20---------------->zostaw
manager_lookbody = 30---------------->zostaw
manager_looklegs = 40---------------->zostaw
manager_lookfeet = 50---------------->zostaw

-- Adicionar items no char criado? (yes/no)
manager_additems = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Item nos slots (coloque 0 para desativar)
manager_head = 0---------------->zostaw
manager_necklace = 0---------------->zostaw
manager_armor = 2650---------------->zostaw
manager_shield = 0---------------->zostaw
manager_weapon = 2382---------------->zostaw
manager_legs = 0---------------->zostaw
manager_boots = 0---------------->zostaw
manager_ammunation = 0---------------->zostaw
manager_ring = 0---------------->zostaw
manager_backpack = 1987---------------->zostaw

-- Items dentro da backpack do char criado {id1, count1, id2, count2, id3, count3, id4, count4} (Coloque 0 no ID para desativar)---------------->zostaw
manager_items_in_backpack = {"2120","1","2674","1","0","1","0","1"}

------------------ Buyhouse Configs -------------------

-- Preço de 1 SQM da house
houseprice = 200

-- Level mínimo para comprar uma house
houselevel = 20 ---------------->jaki lvl trzeba miec żeby mieć domek

-- Mostrar preço da house quando der look na porta da house? (yes/no)
show_house_price = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Houses somente para Premium Players? (yes/no)
houses_only_for_premium_players = "yes"---------------->zostaw

---------------- Skull System Configs -----------------

-- Time to lose a white skull (1 = 1 minute)
whitetime = 15---------------->ile trzeba czekać

-- Time to lose one frag (1 = 1 hour)
fragtime = 1---------------->zostaw

-- Ban unjust, how many frags you need to get banned (1 = 1 frag)
banunjust = 6---------------->zostaw

-- Red skull unjust, how many frags you need to get a red skull (1 = 1 frag)
redunjust = 3---------------->zostaw

-- Bantime, for how long the player is banned (1 = 1 hour)
bantime = 24*1---------------->zostaw

----------- Protection System Configs -------------

-- Protection System? (yes/no)
protection_system = "no"---------------->zostaw

-- Máximo Level em que o player será protegido
protection_level = 20---------------->zostaw

-- Mensagem que será mandada quando um player tentar atacar um outro que está protected
protection_msg = "You may not attack a player that has level 20 or lower."

-------------- ItemID Changer Configs --------------

-- Trocar ItemIDS? (yes/no)
change_itemids = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Quantos items trocar?
howmany_items = 14---------------->zostaw

-- ItemID Antes
itemid_before = {"1263", "1264", "1265", "1266", "1267", "1268", "5276", "5277", "1273", "1274", "3449", "3450", "1275", "1276"}

-- ItemID Depois
itemid_after = {"6436", "6437", "6440", "6441", "6444", "6445", "6470", "6471", "6454", "6455", "6458", "6459", "6462", "6463"}

------------------- Buy/Sell Configs --------------------

-- Max Items to buy (if item is not countable - Ex: rope, crown armor) (Default: 200)
max_items_notcountable = 200---------------->zostaw

-- Max Items to buy (if item is countable - Ex: meat, ham) (Default: 2000)
max_items_countable = 2000---------------->zostaw

-- The message that will be sent when the player try to buy more then the max items (Default: "Sorry, you can not buy more than ")
max_items_msg = "Sorry, you can not buy more than "


-- Infinitas Ammunation (Bolts/Arrows/etc..) (yes/no)
infinite_ammunation = "no"---------------->zostaw

-- Infinitas Runas (yes/no)
infinite_runecharges = "no"---------------->zostaw

-- Max Death Entries
maxdeathentries = 10---------------->zostaw

-- Porcentagem de sair Leathers quando usar a obsidian knife no dead monster (dragons, minos, dragon lord, behemoth, bone beast) (de 0-100) (Default: 8)
obsidian_knife_chance = 8

-- Porcentagem de sair Vampire Dust ou Demon Dust quando usar a blessed wooden stake em Vampire/Demon (de 0-100) (Default: 10)
blessed_wooden_chance = 10

-- Mensagem em vermelho quando o player der login (coloque "none" para desativar)
red_login_msg = "Welcome to Zorzin OTServer."---------------->wiadomożć po zalogowaniu

-- Mostrar o "xx players online" no console? (yes/no)
see_playersonline = "yes"---------------->zostaw

-- Mostrar o "Reject player - reason: xx" no console? (yes/no)
see_rejectmsg = "yes"---------------->zostaw


-- data directory location
datadir = "data/"---------------->zostaw

-- map location
map = "data/world/SadTeam.otbm"---------------->zostaw

-- mapkind
-- options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map
mapkind = "OTBM"---------------->zostaw

-- map store location (for XML only)
mapstore = "data/world/SadTeam-mapstore.xml"---------------->zostaw

-- house store location (for XML only)
housestore = "data/world/SadTeam-housestore.xml"---------------->zostaw

-- bans storage (for XML only)
banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml"---------------->zostaw

-- server name
servername = "Zorzin OTServ"---------------->zostaw

-- server location
location = "Brasil"---------------->zostaw

-- server url
url = ""---------------->strona do ot

-- server owner name
ownername = "Zorzin"---------------->nazwa serva

-- server owner email
owneremail = "zorzin_ot@hotmail.com"---------------->email właściceila

-- world name
worldname = "Zorzin OT"---------------->ki wie

-- world type
-- options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp"---------------->wybieramy czy pvp czy no pvp i takie tam

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second)
exhausted = 1000

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1 second)
exhaustedadd = 200

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second)
pzlocked = 1*60*1000

-- house rent period
-- options: daily, weekly, monthly
houserentperiod = "monthly"

-- rates (experience, skill, magic level and loot)
rate_exp = 4
rate_skill = 10
rate_mag = 8
rate_loot = 1
rate_spawn = 1

-- motd (the message box that you sometimes get before you choose characters)
motd = "Welcome to Zorzin OTServer!"
motdnum = "1"

-- login message
loginmsg = "Welcome to Zorzin OTServer."

-- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled
-- set to 0 to disable
logintries = 5

-- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip)
retrytimeout = 5000

-- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again
logintimeout = 15 * 60 * 1000

-- allow clones (multiple logins of the same char)
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
allowclones = 0

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "100"

-- md5 passwords for accounts
-- options: yes, no
md5passwords = "no"

-- SQL type
-- options: mysql, sqlite
sql_type = "mysql"

--- MySQL part (ignore if you are using SQLite)
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db   = "zorzin"

--- SQLite part (ignore if you are using MySQL)
sqlite_db = "db.s3db"

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